Welcome to The Green Green Gate, How do we start the all natural sodas??? Have you the Ginger Bug starter made ??? https://www.thegreengreengate.com/index.php/2020/05/14/ginger-bug/ If you have,…
Welcome to The Green Green Gate, GINGER BUG – what is it ? Ginger bug is a fermented , all natural beverage starter similar to a sourdough…
Ever since I can remember Garlic has been apart of our lives and house hold. It was always one of those food items that we made sure…
A few years back I said to myself , we use a lot of ginger in our home and I should look into growing it. It…
Hello My Green Green Gate Guys and Gals, The Very next product I made after I discovered my own homemade lip balms was this delicate, cleansing and sweet facial cleanser. With…
Kefir – What is it???? That was the question on my mind when my sister came home to Kerry one weekend telling us about this magical…
Hi Guys and Gals, It came as a huge surprise a few years back when I found out that those of us who wear lipstick and lip balm on a regular…
I’ve always had some sort of skin and allergy problem. Since a young child I have suffered with allergies and sneezed constantly. My Family thought I had…