Wild Garlic Green Eggs and Ham.

Wild Garlic flower or 3 cornered Leek

Wild Garlic / 3 cornered leek / Ramp has always fascinated me. I love how it looks , smells and most importantly how is tastes. It’s sweet and mild but unmistakably garlicy.

April to June it fills the Irish Country side with a sweet aroma and beautiful white flowers. It grows along hedge rows, road sides, along streams, wooded areas and any where it can establish itself.

Mixed among the bluebells in April and May it is a truly beautiful sight.

I was doing a lot of planting on my balcony garden 2 years ago and wanted lots of edible plants to grow and eat. We took a drive to Kinsale one day and stopped to look out over Kinsale harbour. Across the way was the most wild garlic I had ever seen in one place and I decided I was going to relieve that particular patch of some of it. I pulled much if it right out of the soil and wrapped it in a wet napkin and took it home to plant. I planted in  a big container with many other odds and ins I had but I was not sure if they would grow or not. Last year the wild garlic did not grow and I was super disappointed and I though no more of it only that its ment to be Wild.

While doing a bit of digging and tidying up of the garden this year I noticed a little flower peaking through the copious amounts of mint I have growing in the big container. Low and be hold it was the wild garlic I planted 2 years ago making its way up to the sun. To say I was delighted was an understatment.

I really wanted to make the most of it so I came up with this recipe to make it the star of the show. I love adding a little garlic and spinach to my scrambled eggs, so this was a nice twist and with all the herbs in on my balcony garden as well as the wild garlic it was a no brainer.

Golden Oregano, Parsley and Wild Garlic / 3 cornered Leek

It was a delicious Dish, Dr Seuss would have been proud of it.

Wild Garlic Green Eggs and Ham


Basically its scrambled eggs with wild garlic and any herbs you have or like, and your favourite bacon or ham.

So simple but utterly delicious.


For 2 people

4 free range local eggs

2 tablespoons of Irish Rapeseed oil

4-5 sprigs of wild garlic with the flowers on

I used 5 springs of Parsley and 5 sprigs of Golden Oregano as I have them in abundance on my balcony at the moment.

You can use Sage, Coriander, Fennel, Sorrel or Dill, even Spinach or Kale would all be nice. It just depends on your taste.

a slice or 2 of Soda bread or Sourdough toast

2 Slices of your favourite Bacon or Ham

salt and pepper to taste

My old fashioned hand wisk


Chop all the herbs and Wild Garlic quite fine

Add the 4 eggs , salt and pepper and herb mix together and mix very well.

I have an old fashioned whisk that makes the eggs light and fluffy but a regular hand whisk or fork would do.

Fry off the bacon or ham.

Toast the bread

Heat pan and add a the oil

Add the eggs and herb mixture to the pan.

Scramble to your liking.

Add all  the cooked food to the plate and you have yourself a very tasty and healthy meal of Green Eggs and Ham.

I love this dish and all the many varieties I have made over the years. It is so versatile and can be made with very little effort.

I hope you give it a go before all the Wild Garlic is gone until next year.

Kind regards
