Sweet Face Cleanser – Natural and Homemade

Sweet Cleanser Ingredients

Hello My Green Green Gate Guys and Gals,

The Very next product I made after I discovered my own homemade lip balms was this delicate, cleansing and sweet facial cleanser.

With this Cleanser I knew I was on the way to a very natural and easy solution to my skin and allergy issues. It is one of the best products I have ever used on my face.  It’s the most versatile product in my bathroom and wash bag

I use it for my face and neck mainly but often use it for a body wash with my exfoliation mits. It is so delicate and nourishing. I feel my skin is super soft and clean after it. I use it with a clean facecloth, a facial wipe, an exfoliation mit or just simply in my hands for a quick and easy cleanse.

Best of all it is all natural and made with the best of ingredients.

I have made this many times over the past year and loved every variation. The one I love the most is this one, but it is so interchangeable it is truly amazing.

The basis of this cleanser is Honey.

Yes, HONEY honey !!!!!

The most amazing food produced by the tiniest of creatures. Of course, if you are vegan you can leave it out but then it won’t be sweet. The Honey gives it the antibacterial and deep cleansing properties. It feels amazing on your skin and when you wash it off you can feel the deep clean it has given.

I love to use Manuka Honey. I know it can be expensive but a little goes a long way. Manuka honey has 4 times the nutritional benefits of regular honey. It contains Vitamin B, iron and Zinc to name a few. It decreases inflammation and helps with Acne due to its antimicrobial properties. It is also known to help with skin tone and texture. Taken internally it is known to aid with acid reflux and help with infection, inflammation, allergies and sore throats. Manuka has an acquired taste and smell and is not everyone’s cup of tea. If that’s the case use the best organic or good quality local honey. I have done so when I had no Manuka.

Manuka Honey


The largest quantity of any ingredient in this cleanser is the Oil. Like I mentioned above I have made it many time and I have used many different types of oils. Namely Avocado, Olive, Jojoba, fractionated Coconut and My favourite Sweet Almond Oil. In this recipe I have used Sweet Almond Oil but you can use your favourite. I use it because it is a light oil on the skin and suits my skin type very well.

Sweet Almond Oil is known to be a very nourishing oil, helps with fine lines and wrinkles, helps clear dead skin cells and impurities and removes impurities. Above all else for me it is a great make up remover, it even removes even mascara.

Sweet Almond Oil


The cleansing part of this is the Soap. I adore Dr Bronner’s baby unscented liquid castile soap. I use this for everything, and I mean everything from floor and counter cleaner to hand wash to aphid killer to toilet cleaner. It is super concentrated so a little goes a very long way. There is only one tablespoon in the 100ml bottle for the recipe below. It is fair trade, organic and totally natural with zero nasties. It is the main reason I have gotten ride of all the cleaning chemicals in my house. Neither My Blue Eyed Boy or I have been sick since using all the natural products inside and out. It is super safe, I’d be lost without it. It’s the number one cleaning item in our house. It comes in soap form also and in many different flavours like Peppermint, Lavender and Rose. I make my own home made laundry powder out of the soap bars but I will go into greater detail in the natural home cleaning posts to come. You can get it in any good health shop (they can order it for you) or on line.

Yes!!!! it’s ok for you face also.

Dr Bronners Castile Soap


Rosehip Oil is by far one of my favorite liquids on the planet.

It is golden nourishment for you face and body. It is jam backed with Omega 3 and 6 and is know to help fight the signs of aging. It can help with scars and acne as well as stretch marks and burns. When I put it on I feel there is a glow to my skin which I love. Now, I don’t use it every day as it is super expensive ( 32 euro for a 20ml bottle) , but a drop every other day is great and even before bed. I put 5 drops into this Cleanser. I use Trilogy Organic Rosehip Oil as it has the best reviews and seems to agree with my skin. If you dont want to waste it in the cleanser I also have used Vitamine E oil instead.

Rosehip Oil


My life long companion Tea Tree Oil (Oil of Melaleuca) is of course in this Cleanser as there is nothing it can not do.

It is the antibacterial in the cleanser. It also adds a nice scent and clean feel to the finished product.

I could talk about Tea Tree Oil and its benefits all day, but I will keep it short and sweet like this Cleanser.  As with the castile soap it is super versatile and I has been a staple it in My wash bag since I was 16 years old. I go through alot of it. It has help me with acne, bug bites, ear aches, athletes foot(common in restaurant staff as your on your feet all day in very hot environments), bug repellent, I rub it on the backs of my knees and behind my ears ( When We travelled Asia and Canada every where we went and stayed got a good going over with tea tree oil and a face cloth first, the beds and bathrooms in particular. The window and door ways were dotted with it to keep out mozzies) and above all a it’s a general all round antibacterial cleaner but mild enough for the face. Oh, Did I mention the Toothpaste…. maybe another day as I find it hard to use myself, but I do use it. Yuuukkkk.

I get my Organic Tea Tree Oil and as many of my essential oils as possible from http://www.atlanticaromatics.com/ They are based In Wicklow, Ireland and are super products with many being organic.

Tea Tree Oil


Most if not all of the products can be bought in your local health food store or on line. Don’t forget the better the ingredient you put in the better the final product. I make it in small batches as I like to change it up every so often.

Ingredients for a 100ml bottle with a pump lid.

5 tablespoons of Sweet Almond Oil ( or any oil you prefer)

1 tablespoon of Dr Bronner’s Castile Soap

1 tablespoon of Manuka Honey

10 drops of Tea Tree Oil and any other you like

 2 tablespoons of bottled water to top up.

-add all the items together and shake really well.

 – You will end up with a muddy brown unappealing looking liquid that is soooo good for your skin.

– Before you use it give it a good shake every time as the honey tends to settle at the end.

I have chopped and changed the oils, the essential oils and even the different scented castile soaps.

Do It how you like but please do it and use it. Get rid of those harsh Chemicals from your face and let it breath with nature and some Honey.

I saw the difference in my skin almost immediately as I have acne prone skin and find it hard to get products that help or suit it. I now have a homemade, safe and natural product for life.

I hope you give it a go. It takes less than ten minutes to make.

If you need any guidance please contact me on the blog or Instagram or Facebook of the same name.

Kind Regards
