Hello & Welcome My Green Gate Guys and Gals

Hello & Welcome to everyone,

My name is Sarah Fitzgerald. I’m a lover of all things food & I would like to show you how I use it from “Seed to Soul”

 Growing, Cooking and Creating.

With this blog I hope to share with you some of my favourite recipes, pass along what I’ve learned about fermentation of all kinds, homemade non toxic house hold products, all my homemade skin care products and the best natural ones out there, share my food adventures, tell you some stories from my childhood and show you how I grow, cook and use what I grow in my own garden.

I suppose I want to pass along the things I’ve learned while growing up in rural County Kerry, Ireland and the many things I’ve learned since then. The hospitality business has allowed me to travel the world while working, and along the way I’ve picked up a few things about myself and my love of all things food and Fermentation. I’m not a traditionally trained chef but I have a sincere passion for food that goes back to when I was a young child.

 I Love to grow Vegetables, Herbs and Flowers, Cook with them, Ferment with them and more, make products for inside and outside of the body with them and try to use them for the good of the body and mind. I like the odd essential oil and the many benefits and uses they have.

I have had problematic skin since I was 16 and more than 20 years later I think I have it figured out. I have also always had some sort of mild of allergy to something or other all my life, which I also have gained some control over through what I put in and on my body. I was known as “sneezy Sarah” growing up. Most of what I do is self-taught, through a lot of reading and what I’ve learned over the years through trial and error. Some were eurika moments and some utter disasters. By no means am I an expert but I know what works for me and from advice I pass along, it works for others also.

My background is in hotels and restaurants and achieved a hospitality degree many years ago. I have cooked and served for guests, friends and family alike most of my life.

My earliest memories are in my Grandmothers kitchen in County Kerry making Irish Soda Bread and apple pies. She made the most delicious meals with little effort and the best ingredients. Our family favourites were her brown buns which were brown soda scones and her legendary meat pies (both of which I will post). She was also the person who introduced me to growing Vegetables and Flowers. She had a love hate relationship with her gladioli and her garden was always perfect, even though she may have cut the hedge strimmer wire mid strim while standing on a chair more than once.

My Mother was also a major influence when it came to gardening. She has a tiny little green house where she grows a lot of everything, even corn one year in our irish climate was impressive. It was delicious. Her cucumbers are legendary. Her garden is beautiful with many flowers she has grown from seed year after year. She is a wonderful cook also and her sandwiches are family favourites.

Our house in County Kerry was and is a popular one. My Grandfather Fitz built it, my Father grew up there and my siblings and I had a lovely childhood there. The room my sister and I shared used to be my grandfathers shop. Neighbours, friends and family have and still do enjoy time in our house at the crossroads.

I will hopefully share my life with you all through my love of mother nature.

Please let it be known I’m NOT an award winning writer by any means, in fact I surprised my self that I’m even doing this, but I do write from the Heart.

Later in another post I will share with you why I chose “The Green Green Gate” as my blog name.

I’m looking forward to this journey from seed to soul.

Kind regards


  • Karen Kelleher
    March 7, 2017 at 8:59 am

    Well done Sarah! Looking forward to you sharing your tips etc.
    I know you are great for growing herbs etc and I could use some help. I can’t seem to keep any alive. Can you help?

    • Sarah Fitzgerald
      March 8, 2017 at 5:06 pm

      Hello Karen,
      Thanks so much, I am looking forward to the next few months and seeing how this goes.
      To answer your question about herbs and keeping them alive.
      – The first thing is, are they inside or outside and secondly what kind of herbs are they as some are hardier than others.
      – I like to grow Basil and coriander inside as they need a bit more heat.
      – I then like to grow Mint, rosemary, thyme and oregano outside as they are a lot hardier.
      – Herbs love the sun and the heat and will flourish in a sunny window or a sunny corner of the garden.
      – I have all my plants in Pots as I grow on my Balcony Garden. I am lucky as it gets sun all day long and can be very warm.
      – Herbs do not like to be over watered and need good drainage, it’s the number one cause of failing plants, especially inside. Water them well and make sure they drain well and are not left standing in water. Let them dry out a little before watering them again. If they are in the ground, they should be in well-drained soil and it will happen naturally.
      – If your planting in the ground, and especially with mint as it can take over your garden and spread like a weed, leave it in a big pot in the ground. This will contain the roots.
      – Feed them a little once a week with nitrogen rich natural or organic fertliser. I also like to keep my used ground coffee and add that to the soil as its high in nitrogen. Eggs shells are great also, bake them and grind them in to a fine powder and add to the soil or on top of the soil to keep away slugs.
      – lastly when it comes to green fly (aphids) who love anything young, fresh and green, to keep them away I use a spray with a solution of 1/2 litre of distilled water and 10 drops of tea tree oil and 10 drops of lime oil. I used it all last year inside and out and it really works. Its natural and toxin free.
      -In the Autumn when you see they have stopped growing, trim all the out-door herbs well back as to allow the growth for the next year to flourish.
      I hope these tips all help.
      Many thanks for your interest Karen
      Kind regards